Adult Education

Adult Forum meets Sundays at 9:00am in the parish building.
All are welcome. Please join us! 

Current Adult Forum Topic:

Oct. 3-24, 2021: Render unto Caesar (church-state relations)


Past Adult Forum Topics:

Winter 2020:
Jan. 12 – Feb. 23:  The Screwtape Letters, by C. S. Lewis

Fall 2019:
Sept. 8 – Oct. 6: Heresies and How to Avoid Them 
Oct. 13-20: Holistic Christianity: How Much Wholeness Should We Expect?
Oct. 27 – Nov. 17: Welcome to Messiah!
Dec. 1-22: Advent Hymns

Spring 2019:                                                                                                                                                                                       
April 28-May 26: Christian Care at Life’s End 
April 14: Augustine’s
Confessions – Paul Rorem                                                                                                                                                                                                            
March 17 – April 7: 
At the Crossroads – Justin Hylden                                                                                                                                                                                               
Feb. 10 – March 3:  Where is God in Suffering? – Justin Hylden

Winter 2018/2019:
November:  Christian Engagement in the Public Sphere – Justin Hylden
December: Redemption and Hope in A Christmas Carol and in Scripture
January: Welcome to Messiah

Fall 2018:
September:  Does Your Work Matter to God – Justin Hylden
October: Mr. Bad Example: Four Bible Characters We Love to Point our Fingers At

Spring 2018:
March:  Growing in Love: A Study of 1 John
April: The Lord’s Prayer  – Kyle Sorkness
May:  Looking Forward to a Summer in Mark

Winter 2017/2018:
December:  Repentance and Conversion  – Kyle Sorkness
January:  Welcome to Messiah 

Fall 2017:
September 10, 17, 24 : The Apostle Paul’s First and Second Missionary Journeys (Acts 13:1 – 18:22).
October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 : Reformation at 500: What It’s (Still) About  Kyle Sorkness

Spring 2017:
April 30 – May 7: What Does the Bible Say about Anger?
May 14 – 28: Immigrants Among Us
April 23: Why Work? (Part II) 

Winter 2017:
March 5 – April 9:  Choose Life: A Lenten Look at How We Spend Time, Treasure, and Talent
Jan. 8 & 15, 2017: Nationalism, Patriotism, and Christianity
Jan. 22: The Nicene Creed – Paul Rorem
Jan 29 – Feb 19: Welcome to Messiah 

Fall 2016:
Sept. 4 – Oct. 9: Are Lutherans Catholic? A View from the Augsburg Confession
Oct. 16 – Nov. 20: Growing into Salvation: A Study of 1 Peter
Nov. 27 – Dec. 18: Recognizing Scripture in Advent Hymns

The Adult Forum schedule is subject to the interests of participants. If there is a particular topic you want to be sure not to miss, please tell Pastor Erhardt so he can take that into account. If you’d like to suggest study topics for the future, please send them to Pastor Erhardt.